Researchers from the University of Texas Austin and the University of California, Los Angeles developed ink that can be ...
Applying deep brain stimulation to a different region in the brain than has been used for other conditions improved the ...
将计算机芯片植入大脑原本只存在于科幻世界,但现在离现实越来越近了。 从本质上讲,脑机接口 (Brain Computer Interface, BCI) 就是一款设备,它可以连接大脑电信号和数字设备,将大脑信号翻译成设备可以理解的信号。
Neuralink's brain-computer interface will be tested in Canada, with Toronto's University Health System seeking patients for ...
In a unique demonstration of brain implants that incorporate living cells, the devices were able to connect with the brains of live mice ...
Neuralink is trial testing a fully-implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) aims to help individuals with quadriplegia ...
在当今科技飞速发展的时代,很多人都在寻找能够抗衰老、延缓衰老的科技手段。脑机接口(Brain-Computer Interface, BCI)技术,作为一种全新的研究领域,不仅在医学上展现出了广阔的前景,更有望成为未来抗衰老的重要工具。
Elon Musk’s brain implant company is launching a new study to test whether its wireless device can control a robotic arm.
Neuralink is conducting its PRIME study, aimed at evaluating the safety of its wireless brain-computer interface and surgical ...
In a post on, Neuralink said it had been granted regulatory approval for "a new feasibility trial to extend BCI control ...
Now, a team of scientists has introduced a stunning upgrade. They’ve created a liquid ink that can be sprayed directly onto a ...