G2 Esports announces the complete G2 LoL roster for 2025, signing two new players SkewMond and Labrov ahead of LEC Winter ...
2024年的转会期如火如荼,各大战队纷纷在这个冬季舞台上调整阵容,提升竞争实力。最近,欧洲战队G2 Esports通过一张引人注目的海报,再次引发了电竞圈的热议:这次,他们整活推出了让人熟悉的前LPL选手Uzi与Ming的加入海报。虽然这一消息引发了不少猜测,但细细研读后,我们发现这似乎并不是首次出现有关这两位选手的联手传闻。 主题与背景:一波未平一波又起 这则海报特别之处在于,它不仅仅是G2在转 ...
Red Bull's “League of Its Own,” a unique League of Legends competition, will return Dec. 15 to the Accor Arena in Paris, ...
12月8日,完美世界上海Major决胜赛八强对阵正式出炉:上半区,The MongolZ再战MOUZ、Team Spirit对决Team Liquid,下半区,G2 Esports迎战HEROIC、Vi tality交手FaZe Clan。
During its relatively short history, some esports organisations have attracted more viewers than others. In this article, ...
G2 Esports swept FaZe Clan 2-0 on Saturday in a Round 4 high match to get out of the elimination stage at the Perfect World ...
Prediction for the match between G2 Esports vs The MongolZ which will take place on December 4. Who will turn out to be ...
IT之家 12 月 9 日消息,《CS2》上海 Major 淘汰赛阶段的比赛已于昨日结束,8 支队伍从瑞士轮赛制中三胜晋级,将在 12 月 12~15 日(即本周四~ 周日)的决胜赛中争夺最终的冠军。IT之家附具体晋级名单如下:3-0:Team ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@困大王无敌于12月09日发布,转载请标明出处!】 2024年11月30日,由完美世界电竞主办的2024上海Major正式打响。24支来自欧洲、美洲、亚太赛区的顶尖战队将争夺125万美元总奖金和CS无上荣耀。
Zeynep Dechelotte, formerly Ubisoft's Senior Esports Director, has joined the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as its ...