作者:Justin Bons,Cyber Capital 创始人编译:Luffy,Foresight NewsRipple(XRP)是中心化且需要许可的网络,这与其高管的说法相反。XRP 通过谎报其去中心化性质来误导投资者,实际上网络完全由基金会控制 ...
Ripple’s XRP has become the third-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, overtaking popular tokens like Solana, USDT, and ...
The currency leapfrogged Solana’s SOL and is now fourth behind only Tether’s USDT, Ether token and of course Bitcoin. Forbes ...
Ripple (XRP) price hits a six-year high with a 450% surge in 30 days. Technical analysis shows strong momentum.
XRP, a token linked to Ripple Labs Inc., has vaulted rivals to become the third-largest cryptocurrency in a $100 billion ...
Ripple 曾经一度被认为是全球众多金融加密机构的区块链技术落地采用合作伙伴而名声大噪,这也是传统“金融巨鳄们”参与数字黄金、区块链、PayFi技术浪潮少见的代表性“足迹”之一,那么Ripple这一次会是金融巨鳄们的“反扑”吗?
币界网消息,据 Whale Alert 监测,今日凌晨 2 点 21 分开始,Ripple 将 10 亿枚 XRP 重新锁定在托管钱包中,价值约 15.46 亿美元。 此前消息,Ripple 表示,它使用托管账户系统为 XRP 市场提供透明度和确定性 ...
With its unique Layer-2 technology, emphasis on security, and cost-efficient transactions, PlutoChain could redefine ...
加密投资机构 Hashed 合伙人 Ryan Kim 于 X 发文表示:“2014 年,Ripple Labs 通过庞氏骗局将 XRP 出售给‘韩国大妈(Korean Ajummas)’,当时它被称为‘Ripple Market ...
然而,市场的变化总是充满变数。尽管老牌山寨币们近期表现抢眼,但Meme币凭借其高投机性和社交驱动力,在短期内仍难被撼动。CMC的加密货币山寨季指数虽然显示出山寨币兴趣正在复苏,但距离山寨季的真正到来,或许还有一段距离。值得一提的是在加密货币领域中相当 ...
The bull run is well underway, though December has historically been a more tempered-down month compared to “Uptober” and ...
Wall Street is pushing for Ripple's XRP to win its own spot exchange-traded fund after the cryptocurrency price skyrocketed.