With a 1-4 record in his past five fights, Dustin Jacoby could be fighting for his UFC career on Saturday in Tampa.
四位前UFC重量级冠军加入GLF赛事中国女将丁苗加入GFL赛事武者网讯 继PFL之后又一新MMA综合格斗赛事横空出世,GFL(Global Fight League)全球格斗联盟宣布成立,明年4月开赛。GFL赛事创始人达伦·欧文(Darren ...
阿曼达·莱莫斯 VS 拉斯敏·卢辛多武者网讯 将于北京时间3月9日在美国拉斯维加斯举行的UFC 313期比赛,确定了一场备受关注的女子草量级对决,巴西女将阿曼达·莱莫斯(Amanda Lemos)对阵同胞新星拉斯敏·卢辛多(Iasmin ...
Chimaev (14-0 MMA, 8-0 UFC) was touted as the potential No. 1 contender when he quickly submitted former champion Robert ...
Diego Lopes was as surprised as the next guy when Ilia Topuria announced he'd moving up to lightweight in a recent ...
No fighter has represented Bellator quite like Patricio Freire. The name "Pitbull" is almost synonymous with the brand.
A new MMA league, known as the Global Fight League, has been launched, and it includes multiple former UFC stars.
4. 闫晓楠是第一位被 UFC 签下的中国女选手,比张伟丽早 9 个月开启 UFC 征程。2017 年进入 UFC 后,她就被看作是潜在的冠军挑战者,连续 6 ...
在12月8日的UFC 310赛事中,一位名叫朝仓海的陌生日本选手将在蝇量级冠军战中首次亮相。这种情况在UFC中非常少见,引起了广泛关注。本文将介绍这位选手及其背后的故事。
搜狐娱乐讯(李小狼/文 玄反影/图)12月11日,电影《雄狮少年2》在北京举行首映,导演孙海鹏,配音演员李昕、郭皓等主创出席映后见面会,和观众交流互动。
打进UFC的女医生:格斗带给我的,全是快乐,格斗,ufc,摔跤,散打,跆拳道,拳击 ...