【CNMO科技消息】苹果几乎是主流手机厂商中唯一没有进军折叠屏领域的一家。不过,苹果并非没有相关计划,有消息称,苹果的折叠屏手机正在开发中。据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone ...
近期,关于苹果即将推出折叠屏iPhone的消息引起了广泛关注。这一传闻的再次升温源自多位知名科技爆料人士的透露,有报道称,苹果已经与屏幕制造商展开合作,目标是进入折叠屏手机市场。这一动向不仅为苹果折叠屏手机的问世铺平了道路,还使得期待这款新产品的科技 ...
在智能手机行业的竞争中,苹果始终以其独特的设计和创新技术著称。虽然至今未推出折叠屏手机,但关于其首款折叠屏产品iPhone Flip的传言愈发浓厚。最新消息显示,苹果可能将在2026年及以后推出这款引人注目的手机,而外媒对其七大亮点进行了深入的预测,展现出这款设备的潜力和市场意义。 iPhone Flip最引人注目的特点之一是其耐用且时尚的设计。为了确保设备的坚固性,苹果可能会采用高端材料,如钛合 ...
苹果作为智能手机行业的巨头,长久以来一直未涉足折叠屏领域,这让不少科技爱好者感到好奇。然而,最新的消息显示,苹果似乎正悄悄研发其首款折叠屏手机,暂命名为iPhone Flip。外媒近期对这款未来产品进行了七大亮点的预测,让我们一同来探索。
据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone Flip)的七大看点,一起来围观下。 折叠屏手机需要坚固的铰链机构,苹果可以使用钛或 ...
Samsung, Google, Motorola, OnePlus, Xiaomi… almost every brand has a flip-style or book-style foldable on their books – or is about to, looking at Stuff’s list of upcoming smartphones. So when can we ...
苹果尚未加入可折叠市场。尽管至少在过去一两年就有关于苹果将采用可折叠设备的传言,但到目前为止,还没有看到可折叠的iPhone或iPad。此前有传言称苹果可能会在2026年推出一款类似Flip的iPhone……但这可能不会是真的。 Ross ...
While Apple is yet to step into the foldable market, the possibility of an iPhone flip phone has sparked much speculation and excitement among fans. Though there are limited rumours about Apple ...
Apple could unveil its first foldable iPhone in 2026. Until now, many believed that this phone would resemble the clamshell design of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip rather than the larger Galaxy Z Fold.
the majority of you had no interest in a folding iPhone, but among those who did there was no clear consensus on which would be the better form-factor. There was a small preference for a flip desi ...
with the iPhone Flip being a generic, redundant novelty. The problem is that while the folding hardware works well, the software is basically the same that you'd find on the non-folding versions ...