Scientists have discovered a chemical byproduct in treated drinking water that for years, they couldn’t isolate. More ...
Chlorine-based water treatments create many by-products, but one has been elusive. Its identification sets the stage for studying its health effects.
A newly identified chemical byproduct may be present in drinking water in about a third of U.S. homes, a study found.
Since the 1970s, scientists have found chlorinated water can contain chemical byproducts that at high enough doses have been ...
The town's water district received a positive coliform bacteria result in a routine monthly sample. They say the bacteria is ...
In the 20th century, the United States began treating large amounts of its public drinking water supplies with chlorine. This vastly reduced waterborne pathogen-caused disease deaths and illnesses. Ch ...
The city of Shawnee will begin treating drinking water as part of its yearly maintenance program.
“The allowable range for chlorine is 0.2 to 2.0 milligrams per litre in drinking water, and the chlorine in the city’s water ...
The city is set to perform maintenance on its water system Tuesday, Dec. 3, through Monday, Jan. 6. During that time, ...
The City of Shawnee uses chloramines as a disinfectant to treat drinking water. Chloramines are formed when ammonia is added ...