Green Chemistry provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative green and sustainable technologies. Green Chemistry is at the frontiers of this ...
Technology Networks spoke to the co-author of Green Chemistry Dr. John Warner on what inspired the creation of the field and ...
After being honored with three previous Fulbright awards, Illinois Wesleyan University Professor of Chemistry Ram Mohan has ...
Only part of the resources that are extracted from the Earth are transformed into products; most end up as waste, says Buxing Han, a green chemist at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of ...
The Rockets core has played together for a few years and the team returned nearly its entire roster from a year ago, giving ...
The mission of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute ® (ACS GCI) is to catalyze the implementation of innovative approaches to chemistry and engineering that enable sustainable development across the ...
This is an upper level course introducing concepts relating to sustainable and green chemistry. Topics covered include understanding the role of sustainability in chemical processes, analyzing the ...
CU Boulder students can apply for a fellowship for an online green chemistry certificate program offered by the University of Washington (UW). This program is a CU Green Labs, CHEMunity and (B)Chem ...
Green chemistry takes the EPA's mandate a step further and creates a new reality for chemistry and engineering by asking chemists and engineers to design chemicals, chemical processes and commercial ...
Green chemistry is of growing importance at CU Boulder. Numerous initiatives benefiting green chemistry are in place on campus including those at links above and listed below. The CU Boulder's EH&S ...
Green chemistry emerged in the 1990s when research increasingly focused on the development of environmentally benign alternatives to hazardous chemical processes. This was prompted by a rising ...