该设备预计将搭载AMD Ryzen Z2 Rembrandt平台芯片,性能和效率有望提升。尽管售价尚未透露,但预计将远低于原版Legion Go的500美元左右。另外,有消息称联想正在研发下一代Legion Go,新机型可能会配备更高端的AMD ...
此前 Windows Central 报道称,联想正在研发一款 Legion Go 价格更加平民的“轻量型”掌机,之后这款设备被统称为 Legion Go S,并且目前官方渲染图首次曝光。根据 Videocardz 分享,LegionGoS ...
根据 Windows Central 的报道,联想即将发布的拯救者 Legion Go S 中低阶掌机已经曝光了官方渲染图。这幅图片揭示了该产品的物理设计。 联想Legion Go ...
The Steam Deck continues to rule the world of handheld PCs, but the Legion Go, on paper, is a powerful Windows device with a striking design and reasonable price point. Along with impressive ...
快科技12月3日消息,联想即将推出的低价版PC游戏掌机Legion Go S的细节图首次曝光,这款新设备在设计上进行了一些显著的调整,以区别于原版Legion Go。 根据Windows Central的报道,Legion Go ...
Today Andy takes a look at the very competitively priced Lenovo Legion 5i laptop - it's just under a GRAND in the UK and it ships with an RTX 2060 GPU for those who want to game on the move. it's ...