上个月发布的Mac产品中,Mac mini以14年来最重大的升级成了新品的焦点。然而就在用户将关注点放在全新设计的外观和配置时,苹果发烧友和DIY用户却找到了令他们兴奋的事--使用3D打印机来为Mac ...
(They're not Mac OS either.) If you rely on Windows or Mac software even a little, a tablet probably isn't your best bet. And there are certain web-based tools that won't work properly in a mobile ...
之前写Mac mini和iPad两种设备,找显示器时候,写过各种玩法。这里来让他们和各种好玩的显示器组合,和一些思维扩展。喜欢折腾的朋友可以流量~挺有意思的。 iPad Pro外接显示器 如果近几年的iPad ...
M5芯片有望明年导入iPad和Mac,并于2025年下半年进入量产,意味明年春季的iPad Pro可能不会有太大升级,必须等到该年底或2026年春季。目前预期M5芯片首批采用装置是MacBook Pro,M5 MacBook Air则在2026年推出 ...
Just like if it’s day one again. Many people are still wondering if the tablet will be powered by the App Store, or if it’s gonna let you install 3rd party applications just like you do on Mac OS X.
[Enigma-penguin] built a tablet computer out of a Core2Duo Macbook circa 2007. The battery exploded, damaging the case and a few components inside. But there was hope for a new life as a tablet ...
And though the Mac Tablet could refer to the eventual release of the iPad in 2010 but at this stage it could be that Apple was experimenting with a tablet running Mac OS X. Among the music devices ...
IT之家 11 月 14 日消息,苹果公司今天更新了 Mac 和 iPad 版 Final Cut Pro 视频编辑应用,主要引入多项 AI 功能,改善工作流程、提高工作效率,并支持编辑空间视频。 Mac 版苹果 Final Cut Pro 11.0 ...
Apple 今天同步推出了 Logic Pro for Mac 11.1 和 Logic Pro for iPad 2.1 免费更新,已经可以在 Mac App Store 和 App Store 免费升级。 这次两个平台都加入了新的 Quantec ...