Upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 with an older PC? Microsoft will display a watermark if your device is too old.
Today, we share our vision for the next era of the Windows PC, where the PC and the cloud intersect and tap into innovative AI technology that unlocks new experiences. So that each of us can ...
快科技11月19日消息, 微软在Microsoft Ignite 2024活动中推出了Windows 365 Link Cloud PC的迷你主机,这是一款专为连接Azure云电脑设计的瘦客户机, ...
IT之家 11 月 19 日消息,微软在 Microsoft Ignite 2024 活动中推出了一款 Windows 365 Link Cloud PC“迷你主机”,实际上是一款瘦客户端主机(云电脑 / ...