Controllers for which Arduino libraries haven’t been written yet. The horror. Until those libraries are developed, there’s ChronusMAX, a USB dongle that allows you to use XBox One controllers ...
It would be cheaper and easier to just replace the drifting stick with a new one. Even if you ... In this case [Taylor] uses a controller diagnostic tool for the Xbox to quantify the impact ...
BitDo’s wired Xbox controllers have been on the market for a few years now, so even if you already have one, you may have ...
Get your first look at Hyperkin's upcoming redesigned Competitor wired gamepad for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC. If you prefer PS5's DualSense controller but want to play something on Xbox or PC, ...
an Xbox Series X console & wireless controller, a ROG Ally X, a twelve-month Game Pass Ultimate code, one of the numbered Game Over controllers, as well as what’s being called a Pink Guard ...