Police Academy is a series of American comedy films, the first six of which were made in the 1980s. The seventh and to date last installment, Mission to Moscow, was released in 1994. The series ...
Police Academy is a series of American comedy films, the first six of which were made in the 1980s. The seventh and to date last installment, Mission to Moscow, was released in 1994. The series ...
The new film is scheduled for production for 2014. The series opened with Police Academy (1984) which started with the premise that a new mayor had announced a policy requiring the police ...
it is up to Commandant Lassard and a band of loyal graduates from the original Police Academy (1984) to stop the wave of thefts. Now, as a mole is leaking valuable information, only a well ...
The trumpet player from New York also shepherded ‘The Castle of the Living Dead,’ George Cukor’s ‘The Blue Bird,’ ‘The Russia House’ and ‘Love Child.’ ...
Steve Guttenberg and Kim Cattrall in 1984’s ‘Police Academy.’ Maslansky faced a crisis five weeks into filming when Murch, who was making the jump after years as a lauded film and sound ...