Star Wars franchise draws viewers into a unique galaxy with its worldbuilding and one change proves just how good George ...
Even George Lucas incorporated certain EU elements into his prequel films, like the Aurebesh alphabet and the planet Coruscant. Many dedicated Star Wars fans still hold the EU in high esteem.
For those not in the know, Aurebesh is the basic 34-letter alphabet used in the Star Wars universe. Columbia partnered with Lucasfilm to bring this to life. There's even a run of the 3-in-1 jacket ...
As pointed out by Twitter user @maredfield, the characters from the Aurebesh alphabet seen ... the first dreaded Death Star.” This text should be familiar to Star Wars fans as it comes directly ...
For those not in the know, Aurebesh is the basic 34-letter alphabet used in the Star Wars universe. Columbia partnered with Lucasfilm to bring this to life. There's even a run of the 3-in-1 jacket ...