《极品飞车》系列中的传奇车型M3 GTR终于成为了现实。为庆祝《极品飞车》系列30周年,BMW将游戏中最具标志性的车型之一——BMW M3 GTR制作成了现实版。 2005年推出的《极品飞车:最高通缉》中,这辆蓝银配色的M3 GTR作为主角的座驾登场 ...
The new prototype M3 GTR, crafted from carbon and aluminium, is set to be displayed at BMW Welt in Munich from 27th November ...
目前宝马并未透露这款E46 M3 GTR的详细动力信息,但可以参考当年E46 M3所搭载代号为S54B32 的3.2升直列6缸自然吸气发动机,最大功率343马力,预计E46 M3 GTR所搭载的发动机只会更强。
In celebration of Need for Speed ‘s 30th anniversary, BMW has turned the household gaming title’s Most Wanted BMW MT3 GTR ...
此次曝光的E46 M3 GTR复刻版,将于11月27日至1月6日在德国慕尼黑的宝马世界展出。这款车型完美还原了近二十年前游戏中的经典形象,车身披上了标志性的蓝色与银色涂装,宽体套件和大型尾翼的搭配,仿佛让人瞬间回到那个充满激情的赛车时代。
The German luxury carmaker said the recreated version of the iconic sports coupé is on display at its Munich Museum.
The car you’re looking at here is the #42 Team BMW Motorsport E46 M3 GTR driven by Jörg Müller and J.J. Lehto to ALMS GT ...
The one-off, which is actually the 2001 ALMS championship-winning race car, celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Need for ...
EA 旗下经典赛车游戏 《极品飞车:最高通缉》(Need for Speed: Most Wanted) 推出于 2005 年,不仅在全球卖出超过 1,600 万套,成为整个《极品飞车》系列最畅销的作品,亦是当时全球赛车游戏作品中的最高销量。
Most Wanted might be the most iconic video game car ever. Now it's back in the franchise, and BMW made it for real.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the legendary Need for Speed video game series, BMW has created a real-life replica of ...
What happens when a legendary gaming M3, becomes real? With the latest chapter of EA’s Need For Speed releasing this week, ...