Garanti BBVA, en colaboración con la confederación empresarial turca, Türkonfed, ha lanzado una iniciativa destinada a preparar a las pequeñas y medianas empresas turcas para enfrentarse a los retos y ...
BBVA ha presentado una oferta de compra a los accionistas de Banco Sabadell, en la que ofrece, por cada 5,0196 acciones ordinarias de Banco Sabadell, una acción de nueva emisión de BBVA y, ...
A year ago, in this annual letter, I shared with you our conviction that the year would bring us greater opportunities than the challenges that remained. 2023 was indeed a year of significant growth ...
Casafari, one of Europe’s most prominent real estate software platforms, has signed a €5 million venture debt deal with BBVA Spark. It is BBVA’s first financing arrangement with tech firms in Portugal ...