Joakim Vindenes says VR could be a useful addition to the philosopher’s toolkit. Virtual Reality is in some ways a simple concept: it can be reduced to an act of representation, symbolism, or language ...
Driving a fossil-fuelled car (or even just turning on the engine) causes harms of many different kinds. It pollutes the air, exacerbating symptoms of cardiovascular diseases and releasing carcinogens; ...
Alejandra Mancilla uses an example from Robert Nozick to question the claims to ownership made by breeders of genetically modified organisms. John Locke’s justification of property rights started with ...
Jeffrey Spike explains the place of medical ethics within bioethics and in relation to philosophy. What I want to do in this brief introduction is (1) help define what bioethics is, (2) identify its ...
Toni Vogel Carey on a forgotten solution to the question of the origin of new species. In 1836 the English astronomer and polymath scientist John Herschel wrote to Charles Lyell, praising his ...
Is there a link between biology and ethical behaviour? Alexander E. Hooke takes a look at phrenology and other theories from down the ages. This article is dedicated to Bill Connolly. In 1828, English ...
Paul Edwards disagrees with Kant in this recently-discovered paper. All Enlightenment thinkers who wrote on the subject – Hume, Voltaire and Rousseau among others – agreed that the religious ...
David Fraser examines the validity of Jennifer Lackey’s testimony. Until recently, the knowledge a hearer purports to gain from a speaker, or testimony, as it is formally called, has received scant ...
Scott Remer thinks we arendt happy without a community and considers the complete reconstruction of the modern world to be well worth weil. In her 1951 book The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah ...
Hegel has been enormously influential, but is notoriously difficult to read. In this new section, Peter Benson guides us through a series of typical Hegelian moves from the ‘Phenomenology of Spirit.’.
Derek Harrison compares radically alternative visions of the absolute. “I saw eternity the other night. Like a great ring of pure and endless light.” – Henry Vaughan Vaughan’s simile is an attempt to ...
Mary Daly is a world-renowned Radical Feminist philosopher, theologian and author. Professor Daly, what is Radical Feminism? Well, I actually define that in my Wickedary, which is a ‘dictionary for ...