The recently completed Patterns of Thinking project was a multi-year project. The project's focus is the understanding, teaching, and assessment of thinking dispositions. Traditionally, good thinking ...
The book begins with an in-depth discussion of The Open Canopy’s five foundational principles. In addition to chapters on each of these principles, the book offers a chapter on facilitating thoughtful ...
Injustices are by design. Supporting young people to recognize inequities in everyday design is a step toward reimagining a more just world. Launched with educators across Washington, D.C., and with ...
Use this tool to deepen children’s understanding of how complex systems can be influenced (after you have tried Exploring Systems).
Ron Ritchhart, Senior Research Associate Project Zero, Co-Author The Power of Making Thinking Visible Mark Church, Project Zero Classroom Faculty, "Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn Project" ...
Creating strong learning cultures in schools using documentation as a tool to deepen and extend learning. Making Learning Visible has a goal to create and sustain powerful cultures of learning in ...
Thinking Routines invite learners of any age to be close observers, organize their ideas, to reason carefully, and to reflect on how they are making sense of things. A vast array of PZ's work has ...
Focus on experiencing and appreciating art as a way to help students develop ways of thinking that support thoughtful learning. Artful Thinking helps teachers use works of visual art and music in ways ...
Hailed by educators throughout the world, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has been applied in hundreds of classrooms and school districts since Frames of Mind was first published in ...
The eight “studio habits of mind” (Develop Craft, Engage & Persist, Envision, Express, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore, Understand Art Worlds) describe the thinking that teachers intend for their ...
Exploring how young people navigate the positive opportunities and ethical challenges of digital life. In 2017, the Good Play project entered a new phase of research. Led by Carrie James, Emily ...
Cultivating school cultures that value and support learning through play Play is central to how children learn—the way they form and explore friendships, the way they shape and test hypotheses, and ...