A Letter to the World” is a Netflix short documentary directed by Julio Palacio. In a mere 20 minutes, Netflix delivers a profound exploration of the human spirit with its latest documentary, “Makayla ...
A Southern Crime Saga” is a Netflix documentary series directed by Chapman Way and Maclain Way. In the realm of documentary filmmaking, rarely does a series emerge that defies categorization quite ...
In a bold move that has cinephiles and literary enthusiasts buzzing, Netflix has dared to adapt Gabriel García Márquez’s seminal work, long considered “unadaptable” for the screen. The Colombian ...
Heretic” is an A24 horror movie starring Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, and Chloe East. It is written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods. In a surprising turn of events, Hugh Grant takes center ...
Conquer or Die” is a Netflix sports reality show with the 7 most stronger teams in South Korea. In the world of sports entertainment, South Korea has once again proven its knack for turning the ...
In the heart of London, Lisson Gallery unveils a new chapter in Ai Weiwei’s artistic journey, presenting an exhibition that is as thought-provoking as it is visually arresting. The show, running from ...