How do venture capital investors react to social movements, including those that relate to historical underrepresentation in funding? We use image and name algorithms combined with clerical review to ...
We answer this question by studying the end of one of the final explicit occupational barriers to women in the U.S.: in 2016, the U.S. military opened all positions to women, including historically ...
A recent econometric literature shows two distinct paths for identification with shift-share instruments, leveraging either many exogenous shifts or exogenous shares. We present the core logic of both ...
We study this phenomenon in the anesthesia industry, site of the first rollup-based antitrust case in US history. First, we ...
Performance persistence among angels is largely attributable to unobserved investor characteristics. Professional networks are critical determinants of performance: top-performing angels tend to have ...
We rationalize these findings in a menu cost model with positive trend inflation and decreasing returns at the firm level, which replicates firm and aggregate Phillips curve convexity. The ...
We estimate the causal effect of attorney involvement on the indemnity benefits workers receive after their injuries. To address the fundamental challenge that claims and injuries may differ on ...
In this paper, we develop a model that combines elements of modern macro labor theories with nominal wage rigidities to study the consequences of unexpected inflation on the labor market. The slow and ...
At baseline, local new business entry is positively associated with the proportion of occupations amenable to telework in the region. Utilizing the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ...
Despite the promise of FinTech lending to expand access to credit to populations without a formal credit history, FinTech lenders primarily lend to applicants with a formal credit history and rely on ...
It is now plausible to envision scenarios in which global demand for crude oil falls to essentially zero by the end of this century, driven by improvements in clean energy technologies, adoption of ...
Our analysis uncovers new facts about investor memory and highlights similarity-based recall as a novel mechanism of belief formation in financial markets. A rising market prompts investors to recall ...