Here are some items to take care of right away and others that will help you prioritize and stay on track.
As a result of intense negotiations with the DOE over educators’ concerns with the NYC Reads curriculum, the city Department ...
For the 2019-2022 contract, see the 2018 Memorandum of Agreement.
Single-session schools have four three-hour evening conferences a year in September (back to school), November, March and May and two two-hour afternoon conferences a year in November and March.
JHS/MS (all grades 4 – 8 or 5 – 9, if are located in a middle school, then middle school class size applies): 33 students in non-Title I schools; 30 in Title I schools. HS: 34 students; 50 in Physical ...
As a state-approved provider of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours, the UFT's LearnUFT program offers low-cost professional learning opportunities specifically designed to meet our ...
What differentiates “specially designed instruction” from core instruction and supplemental and intensive interventions (response to intervention or multi-tiered system of support)? As illustrated in ...
You may access any salary schedule listed from the menu. PDF versions are available for downloading and printing. Additionally, if you are a DOE-employed teacher ...
A Dental Schedule on the UFT Welfare Fund website displays the charges and reimbursements for most procedures. If you use a participating dentist, the procedures in black are free while those in red ...
Paraprofessionals are a crucial part of our school system and are needed more than ever. We are ready to stand up for ourselves and our students. Dec. 18 is the last day to shop at the UFT Swag Shop ...
The UFT is here to support your vital work. It's a critical time for unions, and we must stay strong and unified. As a union member, you have the right to have your voice heard in the workplace as we ...
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