The world's longest-running variety show traditionally features the best in entertainment from the worlds of comedy, music, dance and magic and, since 2007, an act as voted for by the public from the ...
Danville's Got Talent is returning to the Fischer Theatre Feb. 7, 2025 from 6:30-8 p.m. Auditions are now open. Do you have a hidden, unique talent? Maybe you're a dog trainer, a painter, a comedian, ...
The Hoosiers have to beat Purdue to end the regular season with one ... on Tuesday’s rankings. No. 7 Georgia is booked for the SEC championship game against the winner of No.
Despite his regular-season success against teams other than the Wolverines, Day may never live this one down. Thirteen years in the making, the No. 3 Longhorns’ 17-7 win against No. 19 Texas A&M ...