为何我们对恐怖元素欲罢不能@Hamish on Unsplash你喜欢半夜看恐怖片吗?虽然惊悚电影会给人留下一些奇怪的“心理阴影”,甚至让你不敢睡觉,但不得不说,那种屏息凝神等待角落里会突然钻出什么怪物的感觉,实在是有种怪异的“爽感”。即使你本人并非恐怖迷,也不得不承认,人类似乎真的都很喜欢被吓到的感觉,甚至有些人 ...
Taikoo Li Qiantan has launched an immersive winter celebration, "Let's Cherish Well," a chic fusion of art, light, and music that promises to bring warmth to the colder months.
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
今年是香港中文大学(深圳)建校十周年,同时也是大学举办的第十一场音乐会。校长徐扬生教授在致辞中表示:“今晚,我们齐聚一堂,共襄盛举,这既是一个喜庆的日子,更是一个充满感恩的时刻。回望过去的十年,我们心怀感激,每一步成长都离不开大家的支持与陪伴。这场音 ...
你好呀,我是良哥。道理千千万,但值得记下来的只有8条:1、没有人是正常的2、对待友情要宽容,知道双方缺点且接受3、了解自己最疯狂的行为4、接受自己的愚蠢,克服害羞和羞耻感5、一切足够好了,生活在当下6、放弃浪漫,对方不好可以利用想象,因对方成为更好的 ...
Tian Bao, Bao Di, and Bao Mei, three giant pandas born at Pairi Daiza zoo in Belgium, embarked on their journey back to China ...
管理文章     管理文章 Managing today’s workforce requires a certain skill set. Here are ten skills every manager needs to master to ...
In 2014, Miss Li opened a small shop in the middle section of Qushuiting Street in Jinan. This street has not only witnessed the growth of her and her family's generations but also carries deep ...
在爬虫主文件中的主函数中输入账号、密码和想要爬取的超话名称即可开始爬取,需要提前安装所需的python库和chromedriver驱动 爬取结束后数据会自动保存在当前目录下的excel文件中,每行为一个微博数据。 提示:普通的话题爬取需要添加#,例如#话题#,超级话题 ...
“Infusing the land with rich flavors, quality is the paramount; a shop standing for a hundred thousand days, integrity is the essence .” Tianfu Hao, a renowned old brand in Beijing, is famous for its ...