PHNOM PENH, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Artificial Intelligence (AI) has offered greater opportunities for cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Cambodian Permanent ...
Oriental Lifebay, a mega AI+ biomedicine project, is taking shape in west Shanghai. Covering more than 2 million square ...
当人工智能(AI)在围棋、医学诊断、会计考试等领域不断超越人类时,你是否也曾疑惑:有朝一日,AI会否完全替代人类?答案并非简单的“是”或“否”。 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to surpass ...
BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) — China will enhance artificial intelligence (AI) education for its younger generations to prepare them for the emerging technology era, according to the Ministry of Education ...
2024年12月3日,沙特阿拉伯王国卫生部部长法赫德·阿卜杜拉赫曼·贾拉杰(His Excellency Fahad Abdulrahman AlJalajel)阁下率领代表团参访了全球领先的自动驾驶科技企业文远知行WeRide(Nasdaq:WRD ...
According to a recent WIPO report, of the 54,000 invention patents related to generative artificial intelligence applied worldwide between 2014 and 2023, China accounted for more than 70%, far ...
China said on Thursday it would expand a private pension scheme nationwide from December 15, following a pilot effort, as it ...
在这里,将深度剖析人工智能、区块链等新技术的变革力量,交流其在企业架构优化、灯塔智造等方面的创新应用。分享成功案例,共探如何借助这些力量重塑企业战略与运营模式,构建数字化生态,把握未来趋势,开拓全新商业格局,引领企业在数字化浪潮中奋勇前行,创造可持续 ...
BEIJING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- "China Travel," "Paris Olympics" and "New Quality Productive Forces" are among the "top 10 Chinese buzzwords" of 2024, the National Language Resources Monitoring and ...
中国人民对外友好协会新闻发言人12月9日发布:“2024从都国际论坛”将于12月11日至12日在西班牙马德里召开。论坛由中国人民对外友好协会、澳大利亚-中国友好交流协会、广东省人民政府及世界领袖联盟共同主办。今年系论坛创立以来首次在海外召开,以“共同 ...
Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, Khalil Hashmi addressed the conference and said that signing a landmark MoU between Pakistan's Board of Investment and CNTAC. The robust framework for developing ...
无论是世界 500 强、中国 500 强,还是品牌500强、区域100强企业都是领军企业的代表,本次会议旨在汇聚行业领头羊,以“let's grow”为主题,深入探讨数字化前沿科技。