The Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown,” starring Timothée Chalamet, focuses on Dylan’s early 1960s transition from idiosyncratic singer of folk songs to internationally renowned singer-songwriter.
A Complete Unknown is something else entirely – and represents a trip into uncharted territory. It is a Dylan album without any Bob Dylan, Chalamet doing his best to channel the singer’s gruff ...
"A Complete Unknown" had the highest per-screen attendance of a 2024 Art House movie, unsurprising for someone who's played here twice and has plenty in common with the open plains.
The Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown,” starring Timothée Chalamet, focuses on Dylan’s early 1960s transition from idiosyncratic singer of folk songs to internationally renowned singer-songwriter.
In actuality, she was Suze Rotolo, the teenage Queens girl who is forever famously seen walking with Dylan on the cover of the album “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.” So why, when she was so ...