Delaying the onset of high blood pressure may lower the risk of a stroke, new research suggests. The study, published in the ...
Paan: The traditional mouth freshener Paan, known for its digestive properties, is banned in the USA, Canada, and the UK as ...
But why do heart attacks and stroke incidents happen mostly during the Christmas season? If an individual already has a high blood cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood glucose level and also high ...
Fruit and vegetable juices might seem like healthy options – but are they actually something we should be drinking?
Fish delivers protein, and when you choose a fatty fish like tuna, salmon or trout, you're also getting omega-3 fatty acids.
The vitamin plays an important role in a range of areas including bone health, blood pressure and healing of wounds and too ...
There are strict diet rules you need to follow if you want to adopt the carnivore diet. Unfortunately, it includes avoiding ...
WITH hospitals expecting a spike in patients with high blood pressure and cholesterol levels after the holiday season, ...
Obesity continues to take a dramatic toll on the hearts of men, according to a recent report from the American Heart ...
There are various types of allergic reactions, often causing distinct symptoms, while in some respects, they may be quite similar.
After a night of drinking, greasy or sugary foods can leave us feeling worse. Experts suggest delicious, nutritious ...