Digimon was a successful anime series that began in the late 1990s as well, and that series is now celebrating its 25th ...
A creative Pokemon fan gives the famous Gen 2 Bug/Steel hybrid Scizor a demon-like makeover inspired by another popular ...
"Even a small grain of sansho pepper is spicy hot." ...
The last episode of MF Ghost Season 2 saw the rain subside during the Lake Ashinoko GT race, enabling the drivers to resume without further accidents. However, the volcanic ash from Mt.
Online dating has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. With the rise of technology, it’s no surprise that online dating has become an attractive option for many.
On the other side of a ghosting, there’s another human being who may feel they have no choice but to cut off communication. Someone may ghost because they’re afraid to express themselves directly, or ...
Alex Dudley in "The Legend of Heroes: Akatsuki no Kiseki" (VG) (Japanese) Alex Dudley in "The Legend of Heroes: Ao No Kiseki" (VG) (Japanese) Alex Dudley in "The Legend of Heroes: Trails into ...