The sequel, Soul Reaver 2 (2001), expanded the story, deepened the lore, and explored Raziel’s continued quest for answers. After all, the first game left off on a cliffhanger. Both games received ...
In terms of gameplay, both games have aged surprisingly badly. The fault is not in the controls or even the game design, but it must be remembered that the games are starting to age. The battles are ...
Soul Reaver 1 and 2 Remastered is a solid return for the franchise. Find out what we thought in our Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 and 2 Remastered PS5 review!
Soul Reaver 2 adopts a similar open world, albeit one with a greater focus on the narrative ... The other is adding a map and compass in hopes of helping you navigate the tough worlds.
The remaster preserves the rich narrative, cinematic storytelling, and intricate lore that made the originals unforgettable, while adding accessibility features like highlighted interactable items and ...