Bollywood’s Greek God Hrithik Roshan turned 51 on Friday. His ladylove actress Saba Azad dropped some unseen selfies of her Instagram feed while wishing him. The actress shared several selfies clicked ...
All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: 3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. 4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the ...
I remember all the things you taught me; I learned how to laugh; And I learned how to cry; Well, I learned how to love; And I learned how to lie; So, you’d think I could learn how to tell you ...
If you've been scrolling on your TikTok feed lately, the cries of a man saying, "My Shayla," have been unavoidable. People have been using the sound of the man's emotional moment when he says, "Oh my ...
Caleb B. Haymaker, 20, was arrested this week on one count of cruelty to an animal — a Level 6 felony. The charge stems from the death of his girlfriend’s 4-month-old puppy named Shaq.