Crunchyroll has shared a trailer for Nyaight of the Living Cat, the upcoming anime series from Takashi Miike and Tomohiro Kamitani. Based on the manga of the same name by Hawkman and Mecha-Roots ...
The main protagonist of the series, Kunagi, is a huge cat person, but is forced to fight his urge to cuddle with the cats he encounters so that he doesn’t turn into one. The premise is ...
We learn that the body’s ageing ‘clock’ ticks faster after heat stress and discover why researchers aren’t fans of blanket bans on social media for children. We meet the revolutionary ...
Mark Scout’s two worlds start to collide in the trailer for “Severance” Season 2, which shows the Lumon employee searching for his dead wife — who, of course, is not actually dead.
Check here for the newest game trailers and other content surrounding upcoming titles. The FInals reveals Season 5, bringing tons of new weapons and content including a map inspired by Mexico ...