The Sleeping Dogs film adaptation, set to star Star Wars actor Donnie Yen, has been canned. That's according to Yen himself, who confirmed the cancellation to Polygon.
Ian Walker loves exploring niche communities and researching the development of classic video games. A fully playable Wii build of the third installment in the original Star Wars: Battlefront ...
We've rounded up the best Lego Star Wars sets you can currently buy, with something to suit every member of the family. Whether you're looking for a playset suitable for kids — like the N-1 ...
The open-world genre of gaming witnessed many great releases this year, featuring massive maps that don’t have any linear path set for you. Whenever I play an open-world game, I forget what the ...
If you have Disney+, it's never been easier to marathon the Star Wars franchise. But in what order should you watch? Before you press play, here are several options for your Star Wars binge.