In Mumbai, an orange Lamborghini with a Gujarat registration caught fire on the Coastal Road around 10:20 PM. Business tycoon Gautam Singhania shared ...
Imagine you’re walking down the street when you spot a bright orange Lamborghini Gallardo. You love exotic cars and didn’t know there was an orange Gallardo in your city, so you walk around ...
A fire erupted inside a Lamborghini car while it was moving on Mumbai's Coastal Road on Wednesday night. The incident occurred at around 10.20 pm in the middle of the road, following which the car ...
The video of a burning Lamborghini shared by Gautam Singhania on X, triggered an outrage on social media in which users expressed their concerns about the safety.
A bright orange ultra high-powered Lamborghini has been loaded onto the back of a truck and taken away after its 35-year-old driver tested positive for cannabis in Adelaide’s northeast.