The results are in! ✅ Watch Lindsay Lohan, Kristin Chenoweth, and Ian Harding take the Character Quiz on BuzzFeed Celeb. Find ...
The Yellowstone Cast Quiz is out now. 💛 Find out which character they are actually most like IRL on BuzzFeed Celeb! Trump ...
BuzzFeed has solved its debt problem by selling off "Hot Ones." The new owner? George Soros.
It's time to make your voice heard. Not like New Yorkers ever had a problem with that, though. Please don't date another Matt. It's not worth it. "May the odds be ever in your favor," said Yoda as you ...
We all really appreciate it. Plus 7 wonderfully terrible reality shows that only lasted one season, the new oldest man in the world, and a surprisingly challenging Orange Is the New Black quiz. Plus a ...
The ouster of Syria’s dictator rocked the Middle East, morning coffee is getting far more expensive, and another football ...
Technically these are all correct... From a certain point of view.
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GEOQUIZ: Nice, France, is at about the same latitude as which Canadian provincial capital? Answer: Toronto. Nice sits at about 43.68 degrees north latitude, and the capital of Ontario is at about ...
Promising review: "Bought this by accident because I thought these were baby flash cards. Saw these were actually a card game ...