(ECNS) -- "The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been a good process in helping the world resolve to do better collaboratively. I think that ...
在2024年末,随着远程学习和灵活办公需求的持续上升,制造商们纷纷推出更具竞争力的笔记本电脑。最近,全球知名科技品牌“TechCraft”发布了一款新型学生专用笔记本电脑——“TechCraft Scholar 15”,其超长续航和出色性能成为市场上的一大亮点。该设备不仅具备强大的硬件配置,还在设计和用户体验上下足了功夫,致力于满足当今学生多样化的学习和娱乐需求。
Scholar Rock (NASDAQ:SRRK)股价周一上涨超过30%,这是对一家竞争对手的脊髓性肌萎缩症 (SMA)药物三期临床试验失败的反应。
目标价上调的依据是预期Scholar Rock的SMA治疗药物的峰值销售额将会更高,现在估计可达15亿美元,高于此前预测的12亿美元。分析师的乐观情绪源于他们认为SMA市场机会可能比此前预期的更大,特别是在竞争对手的试验失败后,竞争威胁减弱。
后者则是将4500万篇科学论文数据库与800亿参数LLM(大语言模型)结合,打造出一个在事实性与引用准确性方面超越GPT-4o的新物种。 这个产品利用LLM和向量搜索的方式提取Semantic ...
(ECNS) --“We are very close with the Chinese. Even though there is a distance between Ethiopia and China, we feel that China is our close neighbor and neighboring country,” said Ethiopian scholar ...
新智元报道  编辑:静音【新智元导读】今年是谷歌学术创立20周年,创始人们特意为此撰写了一篇博客,回顾了谷歌学术的成长历程,并分享了一些实用的使用技巧和背后的趣闻轶事。在AI浪潮席卷而来之际,谷歌学术将如何站稳脚跟?全球最大、最全面的学术搜索引擎,非 ...
Chaiwat Meesanthan, the director of the Institute of East Asian Studies at Thammasat University accepted SFC journalist’s interview and considered that within the Belt and Road Initiative and FTA ...
China and Brazil have broad prospects for cooperation in various fields, such as economic and trade exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, and people-to-people exchanges, said Cui Shoujun ...