Led by The Glory’s Lim Ji-yeon, The Tale of Lady Ok is an upcoming legal K-drama set in the Joseon period. It follows the titular Lady Ok, a smart and popular attorney who uses a fake identity ...
All of that works against the very story being told. This is a fable-like tale about competing ideas of justice and agency, of mercy and fate — about gender violence and the very choices men ...
Researchers are looking at the genetic tissue of a 5.62-metre female shark found dead on a smart drumline near Gladstone earlier this year. It was the largest white shark caught on a Queensland ...
The Shark PowerDetect Cordless Stick Vacuum can sense everything from how much dirt is on the floor to whether it's on carpet, and adjust its cleaning accordingly. On test, these features all ...
It marked the first time we’ve found the partial body of one of these parasites in fossil form – previously, all we had was some eggs from Permian shark poop – and it makes sense when you ...