After three installments of the Transformers franchise with Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf has almost faded from the spotlight, at least in a positive light. Despite landing some of the most coveted ...
Lurking in the shadows, Hollywood superstar Shia Labeouf. Living in the woods, (Shia Labeouf.) Killing for sport, (Shia Labeouf.) Eating all the bodies, actual, cannibal Shia Labeouf. You're walking ...
According to producer Don Murphy, Transformers came about while he was first developing G.I. Joe into a feature film. As the story goes, he had been trying for quite some time to get G.I. Joe off the ...
Transformers’ story starts in 2007, when teenager Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) is looking for his first car and finds the brave Autobot scout Bumblebee, who was dormant and disguised as a 1976 ...