Soodhu Kavvum 2 features a talented ensemble cast, with Mirchi Shiva in the lead alongside Harisha, Radha Ravi, Karunakaran, M.S. Bhaskar, Karate Karthi, Raghu, Yog Japee, Aruldoss, Kalki ...
Renowned Kannada actor Shiva Rajkumar will be leaning for the United States on Wednesday night (Dec 18) for medical treatment and surgery. Before departing, Shiva Rajkumar performed a special puja at ...
Idols of Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman have been found in the temple. The comprehensive drive aims to revitalise the area and crack down on illegal power connections. The crackdown also targeted ...
Soon enough, we shift timelines to pre-Soodhu Kavvum days to show that the OG ‘kednapping’ specialist was Guru (Shiva), who disbands his motley group of criminals and surrenders to the cops. What ...