IT之家 11 月 15 日消息,传闻中的微软折叠屏手机“Surface Phone”又一项专利现已通过美国专利商标局(USPTO)申请,展示这款手机的正面形态。
There are thousands of Surface Duo users out there who still believe dual-screen smartphones are the way forward, and I am ...
Microsoft Surface Duo 2 has received its final software update, marking the end of Microsoft's brief return to the smartphone market. The Surface Duo 2 was launched in October 2021, following a ...
Surface Duo 单屏比例为 4:3。 除了三折叠手机外,微软今年 6 月还有一款双折手机专利通过申请,该机采用后置三摄设计,同时配备类似 Surface Pro 的可折叠支架。如今微软很有可能专为开发折叠屏设备“Surface Phone”,但至于这款全新的“Surface Phone”是否能够发布 ...
According to an article by Windows Central, the software giant has scrapped its plans to release a successor to the current Surface Duo. Following a lukewarm reception after the Surface Duo 2 ...
近日,微软在折叠屏手机领域再次取得了重要进展,美国专利商标局(USPTO)批准了其三折叠手机的设计专利。这项专利的获批,不仅预示着微软在手机市场的持续探索,也为其“Surface Phone”系列的未来发展奠定了基础。尽管具体的产品发布时间尚未明确,但市场对微软新产品的期待已然升温。 这款三折叠手机的设计引人注目。与当前市场上如华为和三星等厂商的折叠屏手机相比,微软的设计显得独具一格,特别是在屏幕 ...