"The Sound of Music," released in 1965, is a family favorite during the holidays. Julie Andrews, who played Maria, mostly recently narrated "Bridgerton." Kym Karath, who played Gretl von Trapp, is ...
"The Sound of Music" was released 59 years ago, but it is still many families' favorite holiday movie. The film was the first to gross more than $100 million at the domestic box office when it was ...
booking a little hotel staycation to order room service and watch festive movies in bed). Perhaps the most fun you’ll have while watching The Sound of Music is with this sing-along edition ...
The post said. "The Sound of Music will air on @ABCNetwork on Sunday, December 15 at 7/6c." The original movie musical originally released in the U.S. on March 2, 1965, making the Julie Andrews ...
Dolby Atmos can be a great surround sound experience. But just because your gear bears an Atmos label, that doesn't mean you've got Atmos sound. Here's why.
The Wonderful World of Disney is continuing its nostalgia-inducing Sunday night screenings of Disney classics on ABC each week, including tonight's special screening of the beloved 1965 movie musical ...