Two opposing factions of transforming alien robots engage in a battle that has the fate of Earth in the balance. Taking place after the Second Season of Transformers, Scramble City is a story in which ...
Preorders for Transformers One's eye-catching 4K Blu-ray steelbook edition are back in stock at Walmart for $35, but we'd expect Walmart to sell out again. Amazon's inventory remains depleted ...
According to producer Don Murphy, Transformers came about while he was first developing G.I. Joe into a feature film. As the story goes, he had been trying for quite some time to get G.I. Joe off the ...
Prepare for battle! The real-time PvP strategy game is now available on both the App Store and Play Store. The long-awaited TRANSFORMERS: Tactical Arena gives Android users the chance to join the ...
While the Transformers franchise has featured many ... and bright mind that Maximals can defeat him. The Cybertron games presented Megatron before he found earth. He is a playable character ...