Heroes rise and legends clash in this gripping thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Hopkins. A deadly threat from Earth's history reappears while Optimus Prime encounters his creator.
After Transformers One surprised fans in 2024, it’s a good time to rewatch all their flicks. This is our Transformers movies ranked list. With nine Transformers movies behind us and more on the ...
The Last Knight wasn’t exactly a massive commercial failure, but Paramount and Hasbro did lose a great deal of money on this. And thus, the Michael Bay-captained Transformers continuity was ...
Age of Extinction (2014), Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Frank Welker is one of the greatest voice actors of all time, and when he’s not making audiences laugh as Scooby-Doo, he’s ...
Michael Bay-directed Transformers movies and Bumblebee, which wasn't directed by Bay, but this collection released shortly before Rise of the Beasts hit theaters last June. To complete your set ...