Transformers: The Last Knight is a 2017 sci-fi action sequel film directed by Michael Bay and starring Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Isabela Merced and Laura Haddock. Language(3/5): There are 6 uses ...
After Transformers One surprised fans in 2024, it’s a good time to rewatch all their flicks. This is our Transformers movies ranked list. With nine Transformers movies behind us and more on the ...
Heroes rise and legends clash in this gripping thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Hopkins. A deadly threat from Earth's history reappears while Optimus Prime encounters his creator.
The latest Transformers movie is a direct follow-up of 2018 ... to find Optimus Prime and set a wicked plan in motion. The Last Knight wasn’t exactly a massive commercial failure, but Paramount ...
With each movie, it seems that Weaving’s Megatron ... Age of Extinction (2014), Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Frank Welker is one of the greatest voice actors of all time, and when ...
And while we’re on the subject, we should mention that all the Transformers live-action movies from Michael Bay that were added on Netflix in the United States on December 1st will all be departing ...
This is particularly true concerning the development of the first live-action Transformers movie (yes, the original Michael Bay flick from 2007), which was originally intended to be a G.I. Joe ...