Learn why some animals never forget who has shared food with them or who has been stingy.
Myths and outdated (but still common) narratives about fearful dogs, and dogs in general, can lead you astray. We can dispel ...
Allorubbing refers to a cat’s general rubbing of the head/flank against another cat or person. Bunting refers to the ...
We all had to make adjustments as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded – even zoo animals who were suddenly not seeing crowds of ...
Dogs cannot enter any bathing facilities, including those at New York City beaches. However, from Oct. 1 through May 1, ...
Learn how locomotor zone maps are used to study spatial perception and movement patterns, offering insights into behavioral ...
Miranda Lambert carries on a long tradition of country women as mistresses with "More Like Her," an all-time great song, even ...
A UC Berkeley meta-analysis finds animals' reactions to unfairness stem from unmet expectations, not true fairness concerns.
New research by neuroscience professor Josh Neunuebel found male mice who are being chased use female mice to distract their ...
Yelling at your dog in hopes of stopping him from misbehaving can be compared to putting out a fire with gasoline—you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire rather than extinguishing it. Picture this: You ...
Elle, 6-year-old boxer mix, arrived at Austin Pets Alive! in December 2021 from a local city shelter as a behavior support case.
In an astonishing blend of robotics and nature, SMEO—a robot rat designed by researchers in China and Germany — is fooling ...