This manuscript describes an important study of the giant virus Jyvaskylavirus. The characterisation presented is solid, although, in the current form, it is not clear to what extent these findings ...
Changing of the guard on the Forlimpopoli bench. After the resignation of Ivan Graziani, following the heavy 4-0 ...
Dopo le indiscrezioni dei giorni scorsi, il Direttore dell'Agenzia delle Entrate si dimette non senza parole polemiche verso ...
Secondo il Financial Times, i colloqui riservati preliminari prevedono un impegno a breve termine per raggiungere il 2,5% subito e poi entro il 2030 arrivare all’obiettivo del 3%. Nasce l’agenzia gove ...
The global leader in smart photovoltaic and energy storage solutions Trinasolar and the Spanish group ReTree, which is ...
The global leader in smart photovoltaic and energy storage solutions Trinasolar and the Spanish group ReTree, which is dedicated to fighting deforestation ...
伦巴第大区因其应对经济和社会挑战的能力而脱颖而出。 Un incremento del Pil senza precedenti La Lombardia, una delle regioni più produttive d’Europa, ha ...
Rising CO₂ emissions are accelerating global warming and climate change. But what if scientists could repurpose excess CO₂ ...
Just like we recycle waste, repurposing excess CO₂ from the atmosphere could be one way to abate the worsening climate crisis ...
近期,天合光能与西班牙公益组织ReTree合作开展一项为期三年的“天合森林”公益计划。天合光能在ReTree的支持下在马德里北部山脉和特鲁埃尔Vértice del Frío种植1500棵树,以保护当地的生物多样性并吸收城市二氧化碳排放。
加拿大游戏工作室Pushing Vertices近期宣布,其精心打造的动作冒险游戏《轮滑女孩》(RollerGirl)即将震撼登陆PC平台。这款游戏由创意总监Indigo Doyle亲自揭秘,为玩家们揭开了其神秘而迷人的面纱。
由加拿大游戏工作室Pushing Vertices打造的全新动作冒险游戏《轮滑女孩》(RollerGirl) 即将登陆PC平台! 创意总监Indigo Doyle近日分享了游戏详情,带我们一窥这款别具一格游戏的魅力。