In this interview, author Shannon Messenger discusses writing an in-between book with her new middle-grade novel, Unraveled.
Ready to complete the 2025 PS Reading Challenge? Find the new list of 40 book prompts and 10 advanced book prompts here.
The teen Inkspill program from the library’s University City Regional branch lets young writers share personal stories ...
"I’ve been quietly in the planning stages of writing a tell-all book about my life," Raisa shared exclusively with PEOPLE.
Even distributors have to have a side hustle these days. Per Variety, Mubi is the latest production company to test their ...
I have dreamt of being a writer since I was twenty years old. Fantasies of writing best-selling novels and feature articles ...
Cornelius Van Til was a distinguished theologian who left liberal Princeton Seminary in 1929 to join the faculty of ...
Artificial intelligence is pushing the publishing world toward volume. That could drown out the good work. AI has the power ...
Every year, millions of people seek an escape from the real world at Disney theme parks. Some love the destinations so much ...
Madness or perseverance? Tessa Hadley has described her dogged determination as both in the past. While raising children and ...
Brit Barron: Writing about my parents’ divorce was a difficult choice for ... What does forgiveness look like when trust has ...