The Last Showgirl” follows star Pamela Anderson as Shelley, a 57 year-old Las Vegas dancer whose once legendary ensemble act is coming to end. Though once the star of the show, she’s been a supporting ...
Due to his popularity as the genre's leading star, many may wonder what John Wayne 's all-time favorite Western actually was. With so many thought-provoking horse operas to choose from (and so many ...
Well, don’t worry – we’ve consulted their Rotten Tomatoes score to give you a list of the seven best-rated Christmas films you’ve got to watch this year. Enjoy! Starring Judy Garland and Margaret ...
It might sound run-of-the-mill now nearly 50 years later, but Black Christmas is one of the earliest slashes that did it best. The less we say about the 2006 and 2019 remakes ... they weren’t banking ...