iPad, Amazon and Black Friday

Apple's latest iPad mini 7 is, obviously, the best iPad mini you can buy. But there are still reasons to consider the ...
Apple’s iPads have always been a subject of debate. For creative professionals like designers and sketchers, it’s a dream ...
Apple’s iPad mini 7 may not seem like the best device to prove the company’s silicon strengths, but its background makes a ...
It's been just over a month since Apple released the iPad mini 7, refreshing its smallest tablet with a new Apple ...
Two weeks in, my appreciation for the iPad Mini's size has grown, but so has my frustration with its limitations. Give me a ...
The iPad Mini 7th generation is a compact, high-performing tablet that caters to users who prioritize portability, media ...
The Logitech Keys-to-Go 2 is an ultra compact keyboard designed for ultra portability, allowing you to type easily on your ...
近日,有外媒发布文章指出,市场普遍预期新款iPad mini将搭载A18芯片,但苹果却出人意料地为其配备了去年已搭载于iPhone 15 Pro和Pro Max中的A17 ...
苹果最新款平板电脑 iPad mini 7今(20)日在官网突袭开卖,128 GB Wifi版售价1万6900元,今日下订最快下周就能到货。而电商平台PChome抢促销,相同价格还多送「APPLE专用 磁力吸附触控笔」,让不少网友也都心动。苹 ...