The AI agent sector is gaining rapid traction, becoming a dominant narrative in today's market. Yet, many projects present complex, grand narratives that miss real user needs. What Web3 users truly ...
吴说获悉,OKX 宣布将上线 MOVE (Movement),开放充币时间:12 月 4 日下午 2:00 (UTC+8),现货交易开盘时间:12 月 9 日下午 8:00 (UTC+8)。Movement Network 是一个社区优先的区块链,通过 Move 语言、即时最终确定、即时原生接入海量流动性和模组化客制化提供 TPS 性能。
Memecoin tokens based on online viral moments outpaced bitcoin over past month, but critics say they reflect market froth.