The recently completed Patterns of Thinking project was a multi-year project. The project's focus is the understanding, teaching, and assessment of thinking dispositions. Traditionally, good thinking ...
Project Zero makes its research accessible to educators around the world through online courses offered at various times throughout the year. These professional education courses are research-based ...
What does playful learning look and feel like in South African schools? In this paper we put forward two hypotheses that address this question: a) learning through play in South African schools ...
Higher Education in the 21st Century is a large-scale national study that is documenting how different groups think about the goals of college and the value of a course of study emphasizing liberal ...
Every generation confronts the challenge of discerning what capacities and dispositions are the most important to nurture among its young people at a given moment in time. Today, profound economic, ...
The book begins with an in-depth discussion of The Open Canopy’s five foundational principles. In addition to chapters on each of these principles, the book offers a chapter on facilitating thoughtful ...
Exploring our neighborhoods, exploring our world. In this era of interconnection, disconnection, and rapid change, it is vitally important to offer young people opportunities to dialogue and build ...
Digital technologies offer exciting opportunities for learning, civic engagement, and intercultural exchange, among other vital areas of life. Virtual worlds and mobile devices offer new ways of ...
10 short videos by Melissa Rivard that track the development from start to finish of a Boston Public School preschool class's investigation into color, accompanied by a Teacher Study Guide. Also on ...
What are adults missing about teens and technology? A lot. Drawing on perspectives from more than 3,500 teens, Harvard Project Zero researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James bring stories and data ...
All of us encounter challenges in our lives. Sometimes they are quickly or easily resolved, but other times, it is not clear what to do, and there is no right or wrong answer. This is a dilemma. When ...
Art and design is all around us, from the objects that we make and use, to the complex systems we participate in, to the ideas we imagine and construct. With a foundational focus on learning and the ...