Today’s communications landscape demands that social sector organizations move away from a 20th-century broadcasting approach and toward dialogue, relationship-building, and fostering community.
To sustain collective impact, we must bring more rigor to the practice by drawing on lessons from a diverse array of communities to define what truly makes this work unique. The Aspen Institute Forum ...
The nonprofit organization Worldreader launched in 2010 with a simple and clear mission: to bring digital books to disadvantaged children and their families. In just five years, the organization has ...
Mark 1 is exhausted. As a committed environmentalist activist, he logs hundreds of pro bono hours every year organizing rallies, circulating petitions, raising funds, lobbying legislators, and ...
The scale and complexity of the US public education system has thwarted attempted reforms for decades. Major funders, such as the Annenberg Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Pew Charitable Trusts have ...
After purchasing airline tickets through Travelocity a few months ago, I received this offer from Arlington, Va.-based Conservation Fund: “Effectively offset the negative environmental impact of your ...