《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议是《公约》的最高机构,同时也作为《巴黎协定》缔约方会议。《巴黎协定》的所有缔约方均派代表出席作为《巴黎协定》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议,而非缔约方国家则作为观察员参加。CMA监督《巴黎协定》的 ...
联合国气候变化新闻,2023年3月8日——今天,在我们庆祝国际妇女节之际,认识到妇女在应对气候变化方面发挥的关键作用变得尤其重要。 虽然气候变化影响到每个人,但它对每个人的影响并不一样。因为与性别、种族、低收入和其他经济社会因素相关的不平等 ...
In addition to the information provided in the global stocktake information portal below, other relevant sources of information for the global stocktake can be accessed by clicking on the links below: ...
We’ve designed this portal to help you make the most out of your time at COP 29. Whether you are an on-site participant, or a virtual only delegate, you can use the platform to access meetings that ...
The GHG data interface includes GHG data received by the UNFCCC secretariat as of 22 March 2024. Data displayed on the data interface are "as received" from Parties. The publication of Party ...